Our Classes & Demos

BioDensity 5 min Workout

The BioDensity bone density machines are the simplest and safest way to maintain and build health bones. Bones are built from HEAVY Lifting. These machines use hydraulics in order to let you push and pull the maximum amount of weight that is safe for you.

Come in to test your strength and bone health or weekly as recommended for best skeletal health.

There are only 4 moves in each workout and can be completed in as little as only 5 mins total.

Walk In or By Appointment

FIT3D Body Scan

For Super accurate Body Fat Measurements.

Our machines will scan your body in less than 2 minutes and give you height, weight, body fat %, health score & digital images or your entire Body.

Wether training for a competition or just setting a benchmark for your future health these scans are fast and accurate.

Many clients prefer these digital images as opposed to Before and After pictures for anonymity.

Walk In or By Appointment

Bike Demo Class

Come try one of our Bike Workouts. You can come just to demo one of our in-home fitness bikes. We have Beachbody (MyX Fitness) and Peloton Bikes to demo. Or, just come to join us while we do our daily Bike workouts, typically 7-8am 1-3 persons.

Otherwise by Appointment

Resistance/Cardio Class

Come for a Weekly Group workout, an individual guided session, or our own daily exercises. With over 200 workout routines available there is an exercise for everyone.

Weekly Group Workout on Tuesdays at 6PM

Also available by Walk In or By Appointment

X3 Product Demo

Excited as we are about the X3 product. Try before you buy we are an Official Demo center for the X3 products. We typically have several X3 Kits for demo and purchase, GH Accelerator vibration Machine to demo & many of the X3 Supplements including Fortagen and IN-Perium.

Walk In or By Appointment

We also carry Dr. John Jaquish’s Book “Weightlifting Is a Waste of Time” ,for reading and purchase.

Teach a Class

Do you have a new or existing class that you need a new space for?

Perhaps our Spot in a High Traffic Shopping Plaza of Erie, PA is right for you?

Contact us so that we can discuss your needs and our availability.

Book Now

Like one of the opportunities above? Just want to see what this place in your neighborhood is all about? Schedule a time to visit below: