Review of Beachbody’s First Thing and Last thing.
What Are First Thing and Last Thing?
FIRST THING and LAST THING are two innovative supplements from Beachbody that work in harmony to help promote overall well-being.
First Thing:
A nootropic health shot blending 17 key ingredients to help sharpen focus, defend against stress, support your immune system, and provide the mental clarity and vitality to rise above whatever is holding you back.*
Last Thing:
A blend of 9 premium ingredients that helps give your body what it needs to release the day, quiet your mind, and guide you into a deeper, more restorative sleep, so you can wake up refreshed and ready to face a new day.*
First thing and Last thing Contain Different Blends designed to target specific areas of overall wellbeing
An immune support blend of elderberry, beta-glucan, vitamin C, and zinc to help maintain a healthy defense system.
A nootropic blend of coffee cherry extract, sage extract, bacopa, eleuthero root, lion’s mane, and phosphatidylserine (sunflower extract) to help nourish brain health and cognition.
An energy blend of rhodiola root, vitamin B complex, and green tea for healthy vitality, just 25 mg of caffeine.
A stress defense blend of magnesium, L-theanine, and ashwagandha and schisandra extracts to help promote feelings of calm, balance, and relaxation.
LAST THING is a breakthrough supplement that uses key clinically tested ingredients to help you drift asleep faster and stay asleep longer:*
A sleep support blend of melatonin, hops, L-tryptophan, GABA, and marigold extract.
A stress defense blend of L-theanine, ashwagandha, lemon balm, and magnesium glycinate.
in Summary, First thing is designed to improve your Daily life while Last thing is designed to improve the quality of sleep.
Check out Jason’s Video about all the benefits he has noticed since Starting First Thing!
Jason Explaining The Benefits of First Thing
This was the Video that got me initially interested, and ultimately to purchase First Thing.
I was used to drinking an Energy drink or two every morning to get my day started and I was looking for a Healthier alternative. I decided to give First Thing a try! Within the first few days, I already notice Some changes just by replacing the Energy Drinks with First Thing in my morning routine. My brain fog is becoming more clear and that mental clarity allows me to focus on more important things.
By the Third day, I realized that this could be a potential replacement for Energy Drinks. With a comparable Price Point ($3.33/Serving) to two Energy drinks, It made financial sense to switch. I would be saving money and getting all the additional benefits.
After about A week I started noticing the Calmness and Relaxation kick in. It’s a subtle change that may go unnoticed, however At the end of my day I wasn’t exhausted trying to bring multiple projects to a close. I find Multitasking more enjoyable and I don’t have to Focus so hard on projects to make progress. Its like some of my internal Chaos is working itself out.
I was skeptical because perhaps it was just Placebo effect of me knowing the benefits, I decided to stop taking it for two days in a row to see what would happen. The first day was all-right, I was feeling sluggish by bedtime and went to bed early. The second day came and it was difficult for me to get started. I decided to have a Cup of Tea to get a tiny bit of Caffeine, even that didn’t help. I felt a little disorganized and scatterbrained while completing my regular work duties.
Since then I have been taking it daily and cannot recommend it enough!
How does First Thing compare to other Supplements?
Beachbody makes a few supplements, Looking at the graphic below you can see how First Thing compares to Shakeology and Energize.
First Thing Side-By-Side Comparison
Every Supplement Beachbody makes can be used for a specific purpose:
Energize is Designed as a Pre-workout. It is going to help boost Energy and performance with its, comparatively, high caffeine and help muscles during a workout.
Shakeology is Designed as a daily Superfood. It is going to help with Nutrition and creating healthy eating habits.
First Thing is Designed as a Health Shot. It is going to focus on overall well-being by Nourishing mind and body.
In Conclusion, First Thing and Last Thing are designed to complement each other to help promote overall well-being.
Beachbody has a 30-day Money back guarantee, If you are feeling the effects of any issues Order Yours Today!
Currently Beachbody is offering a Promotion for a FREE Ceramic Jar, with qualifying First Thing purchases and while supplies last.
First Thing Ceramic Jar