Why Would you want BODi

There is an ever increasing number of ways in the world to improve your Fitness. In recent years, there has been a focus on At-home Fitness.

BeachBody Offers two different subscriptions: BOD and BODi.

BOD is a Great value on its own. In addition, BODi has a bunch of features that make it worth the extra $5 a month.

The Graphic below breaks down some of the major differences between BOD and BODi

bod vs bodi comparison chart

In addition to the benefits above, BODi also enables you to Sync up a heart rate monitor to use for your workouts!

It’s easy to see that with regular BOD, there is potential to miss out on some cool features.

Focusing in on Whether you should subscribe to BODi or not, we have a few suggestions to make that determination.

Have Ever Though about Purchasing a Peloton or another Exercise Bike?

Exercise Bikes are becoming popular as more and more people take up exercising from home in recent times. If you have ever thought about buying a Peloton, MYX-II or another bike, now is the time!

If you were considering Peloton, or another Exercise bike. Check out our other Blog post that compares the Savings on BODi from Peloton.

Some of the Reasons that Exercise Bikes are becoming more popular include:

  • Convenience - No more Waking up and driving to the gym, you can have your entire workout at your own home.

  • Space - Exercise bikes do not take up a lot of space, and can be placed against a wall.

  • Simplicity of use - The touch screen makes remotes a thing of the past. Having he monitor tilt allows you to workout anywhere in your space.

  • Year-Round - Having an exercise bike you don’t have to worry about whether the weather is good or bad, you are able to workout all winter!

  • Scenic Rides - The ability to bike through some iconic landscapes can make a normal ride more enjoyable.

Not only do you get all the cool features of a bike, You also get exclusive workouts from your favorite trainers.

Bonus Workouts from Shawn T, Only available on BODi

Enjoying a trainer and the style they bring to the Workouts is another great reason to upgrade to BODi.

BODi has exclusive bonus videos, 23 just from Shawn T, that are only available to subscribers. Having bonus workouts with Shawn while in-between rounds of Insanity can keep workouts fresh and Muscles working hard with all the different moves.

The last reason to get BODi is Motivation and Accountability.

With Trainers, and BODCast live it feels like you are working out with a group. Meeting every morning at the same time from across the country. Having a BODGroup where you can share, comment and interact with others along the same journey really makes a difference in How hard/often I personally work out. Knowing that there are multiple people looking forward to seeing me, whether thats on the message boards or LIVE on the big BODCast screen, keeps me going strong all through the workout. It allows me to have a rough start to my morning then get motivated because everyone else in my group is keeping me accountable for working out together.

In Conclusion, The sense of community given from BODCast and BODGroups combined with the exclusive workouts from trainers makes the value of BODi apparent. In addition, There is also an Exercise system that easily fits into a corner of my room enabling me to have maximum workout space year-round!

Come be a part of our Community, Sign up: And get Started Today.

Not ready to Commit yet? Start Here: With a free 14-Day BODi trial.


Review of Beachbody’s First Thing and Last thing.


BODi Live - Getting Trainer Recognition