Experiencing a BioDensity Machine

Before coming into Fit-Lab, I had no idea there was a machine designed to Strengthen my bones. During the time I was growing up, I remember seeing “Got Milk” commercials on T.V. and wanting to ensure I had strong enough bones to live forever. Now all grown up, a part of me wondered what Technological advancements have been made to give me those strong bones childhood me imagined. To appease my inner Child, I made an appointment at Fit-Lab to try out their BioDensity machine.

Upon arriving and checking-in at the desk, I learned that my account was already created for me, utilizing the information provided when booking the Appointment. The employee and myself headed over the machine. At first glance, the BioDensity machine looks intimidating. There are a couple monitors and different “platforms” to the machine itself. Luckily, the employee was good about explaining the basic process and procedures so I was ready to begin!

BioDensity Machine

Multiple Platforms and screens for one Machine can look intimidating at first.

The BioDensity machine requires some basic setup and Adjustments on the initial attempt. (all made by or with an employee present) After the adjustments, I started the exercises sitting down which required me to push and hold as hard as I could for 5 Seconds.

BioDensity Workout Example

Starting an Exercise gives you Average Previous Performance and a dial containing a timer.

Honestly, I expected the BioDensity machine to move around like typical Gym equipment. When the machine moved only a couple of inches before becoming resistant I was a little disappointed. I was reminded that the machine is capable of producing 1,000’s of pounds of resistance and will only give me what it calculates I can handle. Upon completion of the workouts, we made our way back to the desk and went over results that were emailed to me.

BioDensity Results comparison

Example Chest Press Results from Email.

Before leaving, I was also told the settings used for the BioDensity machine so Im able to be self-sufficient next visit. This initial appointment lasted around 20 minutes, and having the Machine Settings will make future visits even quicker. Knowing where I stand today allows me to be optimistic for the future, measuring my results along the way.


If you would like an appointment, you can book one here: https://fitlab814.squarespace.com/book-an-appointment.


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